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Our History

A & J Produce Corporation has been in business since May of 1977. It was founded by three friends, Al Weiler, Joe Levantino, and John Tramutola, to whom the produce wholesale industry was by no means new. In fact, there was over seventy- five years of sales experience among them. In 1987, Al Weiler and John Tramutola bought out their partner and expanded the company from there.

A & J Produce's wholesale operations commenced with the purchase of three units on Row A in the Hunts Point Terminal Market, Bronx, New York, and in over 45+ years in business A & J has increased in size to include multiple units on both Row A (126-133, 137-144) and Row D (450- 463). Today, A & J Produce is one of the largest wholesalers of fresh fruit and vegetables in the market, servicing the New York and Northeast Areas.

The Hunts Point Terminal Market is one of the largest of its kind in the world. Annual revenues exceed $2 billion. And it has capabilities to receive fresh produce by rail, tractor, and air cargo from virtually any place on earth. The Market caters to the largest ethnically diverse region in the world with an estimated population of 25 million people within a 50-mile radius. A & J Produce has actively participated with the ideals and goals of the Hunts Point Terminal Market for over 45+ years.

A & J Produce Corporation firmly believes that the key to its success is its commitment to providing customers in the tri-state area with only the finest quality fruit and produce. All at the most affordable prices. A & J takes pride in continuing to serve the best interest of its growers and customers alike.

A & J Produce’s operations include three generations of family members. With the family members’ determination and zeal, they also set an example for every member of the staff to consistently provide a premium shopping experience, the freshest produce and unsurpassed customer service.

As a result, it is the goal of every employee to share in A & J Produce’s commitment to providing quality produce at competitive pricing as well as satisfaction to each and every customer. A & J serves a wide range of customers from small retailers to distributors, caterers to restaurants, local mom and pop stores to large chain stores, and gourmet outlets. Our pledge is the same no matter how small or large our customer is. We treat everyone with the utmost respect and professionalism. As well as offer the opportunity to purchase the finest quality produce at the best available prices.

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Because A & J Produce is located throughout Row A and Row D in the Hunts Point Terminal Market, it is accessible to all customers. Furthermore, the owners are directly involved in the daily 24-hour operation of the business. On top of that, the knowledgeable and helpful staff in all departments is always available. We always deliver our produce fresh. No matter where you are in the Northeast, one of our many refrigerated trucks gets you fresh produce on-time. We are in daily contact with our shippers and growers around the world. This allows us to stay abreast of any changes in market conditions to keep our customers up to date.

A & J Produce was awarded the Blue Book Award and Red Book Character award for its outstanding service in the Produce Industry. For more information about A & J Produce and all that they offer, please contact us today. We will happily answer any questions you may have about our fresh produce departments.